Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mission Accomplished, looking ahead...

Boy that sounds very W ish doesn't it.
At any rate was very pleased to have finished IronMan Louisville on the 30th.

Had a pretty decent race and finished much sooner than I expected to in just over 13 hours.

The only low point of the day was getting sick just after mile 16 in the run. My legs felt great and I was on par for a marathon PR and ready to pick up the pace when my stomach turned on me. Oh well. I managed to walk for about 4 miles and slowly build up my tolerance sipping water and broth. Was able to run the last six miles and still have a marathon time faster than my first ever marathon at least.

I had a great time but am now looking forward to getting ready for the Bourbon Chase relay and some long trail runs to offset the hype of the Ironman.

I am super excited that a fried of mine has already signed up for next year so I may have to bite the bullet again.

As for my next adventure I managed to get into the Umstead 100 mile endurance run in North Carolina next spring. I definitely plan on making this my A race for the season and want to publicly declare my desire to run a 20 hour race!

Now back to the kiddos.