Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mission Accomplished, looking ahead...

Boy that sounds very W ish doesn't it.
At any rate was very pleased to have finished IronMan Louisville on the 30th.

Had a pretty decent race and finished much sooner than I expected to in just over 13 hours.

The only low point of the day was getting sick just after mile 16 in the run. My legs felt great and I was on par for a marathon PR and ready to pick up the pace when my stomach turned on me. Oh well. I managed to walk for about 4 miles and slowly build up my tolerance sipping water and broth. Was able to run the last six miles and still have a marathon time faster than my first ever marathon at least.

I had a great time but am now looking forward to getting ready for the Bourbon Chase relay and some long trail runs to offset the hype of the Ironman.

I am super excited that a fried of mine has already signed up for next year so I may have to bite the bullet again.

As for my next adventure I managed to get into the Umstead 100 mile endurance run in North Carolina next spring. I definitely plan on making this my A race for the season and want to publicly declare my desire to run a 20 hour race!

Now back to the kiddos.


ed said...

CONGRATS!! You're in rarified air now -- a truly rounded out athlete! (The only thing rounded out about me is my gut!)

That's Great that you got into Umstead, you should do very well. If this is your next ultra adventure, I guess I'll have to represent the Bluegrass this Fall as it seems like I do at every ultra outside of KY . . . . maybe that unfinished business in Alabama or maybe Ozark . . . I'll be thinking of you!


Alan Jaques said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I had a good time at IM L-ville but am ready for the trails again.
I recently completed the Bourbon Chase relaly as an ultra team where I made some great friends and ran pretty well, considering it was all on the road.
With the amount of training I've done, I just couldn't justify a fall 100 miler, although I wanted to go to the ozarks.
The more I read the OT group posts, however, it seems like the start will be similar to Pinhoti which I felt put me at a great disadvantage. Driving eight hours, sleeping 4 and then getting on a bus for three to go run 100. Bad combination.
I'm planning on running the siltstone 1/2, Tecumseh and the Chilly Hilly in January with my main focus being successful at Umstead.
I've got to get this 100 mile monkey off my back!
ps I've now got the flu also,